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Optimizing Leadership Performance & Team Effectiveness
Through Resilience and Growth Mindset Skills Training
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A Catalyst for Positive Change
Meet Yusuf.

Yusuf Khoja has dedicated 30 years to producing, organizing and presenting at international leadership and wellness events featuring renowned speakers such as former President Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Sir Richard Branson and Tony Robbins.
During his career, Yusuf has delivered keynotes, workshops, and coaching programs to clients ranging from senior executives, entrepreneurs, human resource professionals, managers, sales and marketing leaders, and wellness champions.
He delivers value-added sessions that engage, inspire, and empower his clients to new levels of professional growth and success!
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The 5 Keys to Becoming a Resilient Leader
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“Fabulous speaker - inspiring, engaging
and transformative!”
“One of the most informative and
motivating presentations on
resilience and mental health I have ever
“Very informative, resourceful and on
target presentation. I enjoyed it
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